
15 Net 30 Accounts to Boost Your Business Credit Score in 60 Days

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15 Net 30 Accounts to Boost Your Business Credit Score in 60 Days


Description: When I started my first business, I knew two things; that I wanted to make my own money and that I needed a business bank account. I didn't know anything about how to establish business credit. My Banker explained that business credit was key to taking my business to the next level but I didn't know where to start. My personal credit was in shambles and I was intimated. When I asked for a loan, my banker asked me some questions that were completely foreign to me. Such as, was I operating as a Brick and Mortar Business (physical location), did I have a website, did I have any Net 30 Accounts reporting? It was clear to me I wasn't ready. After two years of trying to operate my business on a shoe string budget, I finally had to come to the realization that without business credit, I was running in circles. My business failed and felt like a failure. Luckily for you, I created this easy to understand guide to inform you on:

  1. What Net 30 Accounts Are

  2. How to Establish them

  3. Which Ones report to Business Credit Reporting Agencies & Why

  4. How to successfully apply and get approved

If I had this guide when I first started, my entrepreneur journey may be much different and my Social Media Marketing Company would have been more successful. But due to my failures, I'm able to provide you with this guide so you can:

  1. Built Business Credit

  2. Setup Business Automation

  3. Scaled Your Business

  4. Hired more help

    Don't miss out on this golden opportunity. Learn what I didn't learn and build your business the right way.

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